leach & garner (hk) ltd is a whole owned subsidiary of leachgarner, a global precious metals solutions provider, leachgarner designs, fabricates and distributes precious metal alloys, mill products and ponents to a number of industries including electronics, medical, automotive, jewelry and numismatic. leachgarner is headquartered in attleboro ma, usa and has sales, distribution and manufacturing facilities in the us, homg kong, china, lndia, ltaly and lsrael.
趋时珠宝首饰有限公司是美国巴郡·哈萨威(berkshire hathaway)集团旗下leachgarner 公司的全资附属机构。我们设计、制造及分销各类贵金属产品和配件:pg麻将胡了模拟器链接的旗下品牌产品包括“general findings”的珠宝首饰配件;“sternmetals”的各类贵金属板材、线材、管材、及金银原料和补口:“excell”的极轻条装及尺装链产品。